Recent Dr.Web cyberattack claimed by pro-Ukrainian hacktivists
This is an article about how self-proclaimed pro Ukrainian hacktivists obtained access to Dr. Web, a Russian anti-malware company. In typical Russian fashion, they responded and said that everyone is lying and that their customer database was never compromised. The reality is that it doesn't matter if they succeeded or not. It also does not matter the avenue or method of access or their attempt at defense. The truly important point in this is that the next major war will initially and largely be conducted in the cyber realm. Articles like this are hallmarks of the important of certifications like SEC+ and having a hardened cyber security posture. Our methods, plans and systems must be a bulwark to continually work towards preventing events like this in American life.
This incident also sheds light on how fortunate we are to have regulatory guidance on responsible discloser. Additionally, you as the security professional needs to be aware of any regulatory guidance pertaining to the systems and services you provide to your customers. Excellent article!